There are a large # of good shows that have gotten reviews that will be coming
down soon.
Here's a list and most (except where noted) end Saturday October 27th;

Scott Peterman,
Fryes Leap (2002) C-print
Charles A. Hartmann
Fine Art though new is probably the tightest curated gallery space in Portland and
of Scott Peterman's ice houses is a stunner. A very well received exhibition
Libby wrote on it for the O as did
Bowie at the Mercury. The work is haunting, desolate, funny, perfectly executed
and sublime.
Just blocks away Jesse Rose Vala's show at
is a similarly ultra tight effort. PORT's
Bernstein reviewed it here. These are uneasy times and her work takes me
back to my grad school studies of Christina Rossetti's
Market and
Ingelow's Mospsa The Fairy (both of which Vala should read).

Camouflage (L to R) works by Philip Taaffe, Andy Warhol, Agnes Martin and Damien Hirst (photo by Dan McLaughlin)
at the Portland Art Museum ends on November 4th. A great show including
Damien Hirst's latest work.
my review.

Detail of Dan May's Untitled (2007)
Dan May's Testbeds
at PDX. This is probably his best show to date and if you like Agnes Martin
and or Ellsworth Kelly, he does them both proud. This body of work
is especially successful because it doesn't rely so much on nostalgic worn surfaces
and instead foregrounds how he works the surfaces with paint, pencil etc. It's
less affected and this most effective show to date.
Mercury's review is here.
Tom Cramer did predictably well in
debut at Laura Russo Gallery and even managed to show some new tricks. Cramer's
work has never looked as challenging or coherent as it did here. Here's
WWeek's review.
Rachel Neugarten reviewed the
Creek park installations in the Oregonian. An interesting project I need
to go and see myself.
Picton's very well received show at Pulliam Deffenbaugh was very coherent
and highlighted what a good fit he is with his new Portland gallery.
Speer and
Motely both liked it. If the Mercury and Willamette Week both can agree
it either means the show is really good or apocalypse is nigh. Actually, the
fact that
Blake at the O kinda gets it too might seal the apocalypse deal. Previously,
Blake compared Picton (who isn't really even a painter) to a painting
elephant in one of the most irrelevant reviews ever published in Portland. Shortly
thereafter, Christopher Knight of the LA times published a glowing review making
our daily look bad. I think she gets it this time because there is a human oriented
narrative that she as a writer can latch onto, but that misses some of the point
(the art isn't to be judged as how it fulfills her writerly needs). Structures
impose open-ended rigor on us and by transcribing structure Picton both breaks
and reaffirms its imporatnce... making the patterns more available to concscious
meditation and questioning.