Brad Cloepfil's: Drawing / Making - Projects of Allied Works Architecture (1997 - 2007) at PDX Gallery
 Structural Concept Model for Krause guest house, 2007
Architects take definite stances towards the future be it; irreverent,
hopeful, dismissive etc. Some like Rem
Koolhaas are aggressive, breaking moulds and ruts first and foremost... making every other issue subordinate to their drive to reinvent. It is almost
kitsch. While others like Portland's Brad
Cloepfil seem to excel at making the future a bit more dignified. An inherently less reactionary or revolutionary stance but one that still has room for a few twists and
turns within that essentially stoic outlook. In other words it is built to last...(more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 29, 2007 at 20:19
| Comments (0)
Big Money In a Little City

Hold on to your hats. New American Art Union is offering you the best opportunity you will find in Portland.
Here are the details:...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on June 28, 2007 at 18:41
| Comments (4)
WSJ way off base on Robert Storr
Tyler Green is 100% right
about this. When the Wall
Street Journal questions Robert Storr's curatorial understanding as possibly anti-Semitic it comes
off as one of the most flippant, unsupported swipes I've ever seen in a major newspaper.
Look, PORT doesn't have an editor but there is no way I'd let that serious a charge pass without some hefty case building. We have a saying on the internet:
Plus Storr is one of the most open-minded, impossible to fathom as anti-anybody people I've ever met. Storr is a class act.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 27, 2007 at 15:37
| Comments (5)
PNCA Street Party

To kick off Animation Inside Out, their contribution to Platform, PNCA is hosting a street party from 8pm-midnight on June 28. The party, which features street entertainers, food vendors, and the rockin' sounds of March Fourth, is on NW 13th between Johnson & Kearney, and includes a walking tour of the juried animation exhibition that extends throughout the Pearl.
Get more info here.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 27, 2007 at 15:07
| Comments (0)
Opportunity knocks
Painters & jewelry makers: Check out these artist opportunities.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 27, 2007 at 10:17
| Comments (0)
A reminder to artists, galleries, and event organizers: If you want your opening, event, lecture, etc. to be posted at PORT, it needs to make it to my inbox! driscollm at gmail dot com.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 26, 2007 at 8:27
| Comments (0)
Great to be back
Thanks for bearing with our server outages Saturday night and Sunday. BIG thanks to Philippe, Jenn and Katherine.
Here are some recent things in local publications:
... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 25, 2007 at 10:51
| Comments (13)
Getting You to See What's Right in Front of You: Alison Owen at TILT
Detail of Alison Owen at TILT
One of the first things that you notice when you walk into the TILT Gallery and Project Space for New York artist Alice Owen's show is the room is practically empty. The room is very sparse and there are two large blank pieces of paper pinned to the wall.
No paintings. No drawings. No sculpture. No Art. Just an empty room. Or is it? More...
Posted by Arcy Douglass
on June 21, 2007 at 23:09
| Comments (7)
Artist Talks
Artists from THE HOOK UP will be discussing their work at the NAAU this Saturday.
June 23, 1-3pm, 922 SE Ankeny St.
Trina Robbins is lecturing at PNCA as part of a week-long intensive on comics and graphic novels.
June 25, 7pm, 1241 NW Johnson St.
Free with RVSP: 503-821-8891.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 21, 2007 at 10:59
| Comments (0)
Dates for the Affair at the Jupiter Hotel Art Fair 2007
Simply put The Affair at the Jupiter Hotel is just one of the nicest feeling art fairs I've been to. It's also becoming more of an attractive destination each year for those outside the region.
According to the Portland Art Focus web page the event is supposed to take place September 14-16th, which is during the tail end of PICA's TBA festival. That is a few weeks earlier than last year and resolves a few conflict with other events internationally while doubling up on TBA's draw. We will let you know about the gallery lineup as soon as it is available.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 20, 2007 at 17:38
| Comments (2)
An artist's guide to Portland
 With a relentlessness seen in very few places, Portland's citizenry love to discuss and attempt to define Portland. It is an impossible pastime. Still, as part of our
two year anniversary PORT asked 7 artists to take a shot at picking what is good and or "definitely Portland" about Portland...
Also, it is a good time to visit Portland with Rembrandt and a lot of other good shows too. ...(much more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 19, 2007 at 11:09
| Comments (3)
"Make some cocktails. Let's make a film."
Me, you, you. a ventriloquy
Small A presents "Me, you, you. a ventriloquy," a group exhibition organized by Carter Mull, featuring Amanda Ross-Ho, Carter Mull, Jennifer West, Jesse Willenbring, and Michael Zahn. June 20-July 28, 2007.
Opening reception Wednesday, June 20th, 7-9pm, 1430 SE 3rd.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 19, 2007 at 10:22
| Comments (0)
Venice Biennale 2007: Aftermath
Reactions to the 52nd Venice Biennal in the wake of the initial frenzy.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 18, 2007 at 9:07
| Comments (2)
Off the Plane and Into Space: THE HOOK UP at the New American Art Union
 (L to R) Jenene Nagy, Sean Healy & Stephanie Robison
By exploring the rich area of cross fertilization between painting and sculpture, the show THE HOOK UP at New American Art Union provides real insight into new ways that art can get off the wall and interact with the viewers in real space. Though these ideas are not new they are becoming increasingly relevant. More...
Posted by Arcy Douglass
on June 15, 2007 at 9:41
| Comments (1)
Around the Web: Venice Biennal 2007 Edition
Penone, 52nd Venice Biennale
"Think With the Senses - Feel with the Mind. Art in the Present Tense." The 52nd Venice Biennale commenced last week, and everybody's talking about it.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 14, 2007 at 11:16
| Comments (3)
Sammy say's get organized
 Sam Adam's wears a polka-dotted tie and addresses the creative community
Ok last night's well attended town hall was about what I expected, taking several hours to
state what can be summed up in 5 minutes:
1) The arts are a huge...(more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 13, 2007 at 17:41
| Comments (3)
PAC Call for Submissions
The Portland Art Center is seeking submissions for its Main Gallery and Light & Sound Gallery. PAC is still working to prove that they have something interesting to contribute to the scene, and this call for submissions is their big chance.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 13, 2007 at 10:00
| Comments (0)
Dryden Goodwin, FLIGHT
As part of PNCA's Platform International Animation Festival, London-based artist Dryden Goodwin will be showing FLIGHT, "a fugitive escape path across five interlinked spaces," for the first time in the U.S. FLIGHT is a blend of film, drawing, and sound installation. An artist lecture accompanies the film at PNCA on June 14, 6:30pm.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 12, 2007 at 11:04
| Comments (0)
Keep your pants on
I'm going to save my "routine physical" article on the Portland art
and design ecosystem till after Commissioner
Sam's shindig tomorrow night. Till then check in on Winkleman's
Venice compendium. I know a lot of Portlanders that are doing the big European
art junket this year.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 11, 2007 at 23:45
| Comments (0)
Gravitating towards Serra
 Serra's permanent installation "The Matter of Time" at Guggenheim Bilbao
Peter Scheldjahl has chimed in on Richard
Serra's survey at MoMA in The New Yorker here (love their new very linkable
Jerry Saltz, Scheldjahl's gutsier, less poetic antipode says
much the same but focuses better on the intimate (for Serra) work here.
Like Saltz, I'm especially fond of Delineator, nothing by Serra
before or since does as much with elemental gravity, if I were creating a dream
collecton it would be a must have.
I've had a lot of really interesting conversations about Serra recently and...(more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 11, 2007 at 10:18
| Comments (1)
For You
Summer is almost here! Fill those lazy warm days with applying for some great opportunities. My recommendations...(more)
Posted by Jenene Nagy
on June 08, 2007 at 10:58
| Comments (1)
More Relevant than Rembrandt: Kehinde Wiley at PAM
 "St. John the Baptist" Kehinde Wiley 2006
Kehinde Wiley's works at the Portland Art Museum this month are some of the most pivotal paintings to come across this city in quite some time. After venturing through the museum's labyrinthine design, the room that holds Wiley's work seems to hum, existing in its own space, despite the vast variance of the museum's collection. The paintings seem to patiently await your presence, as if they know the breadth of what they hold and. . .(more)
Posted by Amy Bernstein
on June 08, 2007 at 8:39
| Comments (22)
Arts = Prosperity?
RACC just released its latest Arts
and Economic Prosperity report yesterday here. This is the third in the
series, the second one took place in 2001.
Some interesting bits:
Arts organizations are seen as key for tourism and therefore aren't so "dependent" on the larger economic climate, instead they take an active driving role in the overall
economic health of the city. I realize this is preaching to the choir but studies
like this might get the Portland business community more behind arts funding.
Things like TBA, The
Affair at the
Jupiter Hotel, the Portland
Art Museum and all of the exhibitions that regularly
take place here do have an effect,
The latest report puts the total economic contributions of arts activity at
318.26 million dollars, that is up from 262 million in 2001. That said, support
for the arts is hardly keeping up with the massive increases in activity in
Portland and in general the artists are completely under supported... there
isn't even a decent suitcase fund for artists who wish to show elsewhere. Portland
is doing well as a cultural incubator in spite of bass-akwards arts funding
approaches... which plays into Comissioner
Sam's talk tuesday... Im apparently jamming some guitar with Adams Saturday
night for the the Bus Project
"Wheelies" VIP event so this is all interesting.
I'll have a very comprehensive article on the Portland art and architectural
climate/ecosystem on Monday, probably the most important piece of writing I've
ever done.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 07, 2007 at 16:28
| Comments (10)
First Thursday Picks June 2007
Joel Jonientz, "Self Portrait as a Girl"
In preparation for their big move, Froelick Gallery presents Road Show: A Juried Exhibit on Motoring Culture. This summer Froelick is moving into a space at NW Davis & Broadway built in 1914 as a DeSoto Auto dealership. For their last hurrah in their old building, Froelick is exhibiting a spirited group show that explores the themes of car travel and the open road.
Opening reception • 5-8:30pm • June 7 Froelick Gallery • 817 SW 2nd • 503.222.1142
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 05, 2007 at 8:56
| Comments (3)
Timbuk2 Charity Event
Dani Johnson
This First Thursday, Timbuk2 is hosting a charity event at the Ace Hotel. Local artists Michelle Ramin, Marshall Stokes, Justin Gorman, and Dani Johnson will be selling one-of-a-kind artist canvas bags to benefit their charities of choice. June 7, 7:30pm at The Cleaners - Ace Hotel, 10 SW Stark.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 05, 2007 at 8:36
| Comments (1)
PSU Events
Dan Graham, from Catalogue Raisonné
New York-based artist Dan Graham is lecturing tonight for PSU's Monday night lecture series. Graham's versatile work has been identified as everything from minimalism to architecture to installation art, and he has exercised influence on American art as both artist and critic since the 1960s. The free event starts at 8:15pm at the Fifth Avenue Cinema, 510 SW Hall.
Also at PSU this week: The opening of Walter Lee's MFA thesis exhibition, "Have you met Walter Lee," which runs June 4 - 15 on the second floor of the PSU arts building, 2000 SW 5th Ave #210. The artist will be discussing his work at noon on June 6, followed by an opening reception at 6pm.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 04, 2007 at 9:50
| Comments (0)
Sam the creative politician man?
 Commissioner Sam Adams (is he running for Mayor?)
The creative community in Portland is supposed to be a front burner political
issue so Commissioner Sam Adam's wants your input on, "how to reach Portland's
full creative capacity?" Hopefully this wont be your basic, "let's
listen very closely and do nothing," approach that politicians have perfected
over the years. I'll be there and yes I suspect whoever comes up with the most
intelligent creative sector plan will be the next Mayor.
Arts & Culture Townhall. RSVP to Polly
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
6:00 to 8:00 p.m. (Doors open at 5:30)
Portland Center Stage, 128 NW Eleventh Ave at Davis St.
Hosted by: Sam Adams, Portlands Commissioner of Arts and Culture; Portland
Development Commission; Regional Arts and Cultural Council; and Northwest Business
for Culture & the Arts
Beverages and light snacks will be served. Wine, beer and alcohol available.
What is Creative
Capacity? Checkout Sam's website
This townhall is free and open to the public but space is limited so please
RSVP by Friday, June 8, 2007 RSVP to Polly Birge. If you've already RSVP'd,
no need to do so again.
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 04, 2007 at 1:11
| Comments (0)
Dutch Treat: Rembrandt opens today at PAM
 Rembrandt's Self-Portrait as St. Paul (detail)
Generally, we cover contemporary art here but it goes without saying that Rembrandt,
as the premier post-Italian renniasance western humanist artist (rivaled only
by Shakespeare and Beethoven) transcends his period. In fact, he's a great deal
more famous/influentual now than when he died in 1669.
I'll spare you all the fluff you will be bombarded with about the Portland
Art Museum's show titled Rembrandt and the Golden Age of Dutch Art.
It's comprised of works from the Rijksmuseum
while that rock of western culture is rennovated, so lucky us. If you dont live
here, it's a good time to visit as this is also the only West Coast stop and
the weather is great...(more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 02, 2007 at 10:39
| Comments (0)
Weekend Events
Robert Smithson, from Spiral Jetty
Saturday, June 2: The Cinema Project is having an outdoor triple-screening of Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty (1970), Nancy Holt's Sun Tunnels (1978), and Richard Serra's Railroad Turnbridge (1975-6). Enjoy these short films under the stars at 8pm in the Artemisia Garden & Gallery, 110 SE 28th.
Posted by Megan Driscoll
on June 01, 2007 at 11:31
| Comments (0)
PORT turns 2
Today is PORT's second anniversary. It's still a labor of love but being the top
ranked google site for "Portland Art" plus a large readership that doubles
every 3 to 5 months is definitely rewarding. Our goal has been to provide an intelligent,
internationally relevant and critical
voice for the Portland Art Scene. Since the visual arts are one of the key
forces transforming Portland, PORT's role makes it no ordinary blog. It's exciting
how many international readers find the site worthwhile too and being influential
at home doesn't hurt either. (Stay tuned, I'll have Rembrandt post later on today)
Actually, we don't get enough chances to thank you PORT readers and sponsors.
Take a bow... (more)
Posted by Jeff Jahn
on June 01, 2007 at 0:26
| Comments (3)