Yes, me again I apologize; PORT will be introducing our newest news/openings writer shortly. About First Thursday? As usual it looks like most of the edgier shows will be in the alt spaces
like the Everett Station Lofts (I wont go over the shows there, just go). Here are some of better looking non-alt shows:

Din Q. Le @ Elizabeth leach Gallery
Ever a favorite when he's in town Le has had a longstanding presence in Portland but after being in the 2005 Venice Biennale his woven photographs have been in great demand. I'm excited to see the video work as well.
Opening Reception • May 3 • 6 to 9p
Elizabeth Leach Gallery •
417 NW 9th Ave • Tel. 503.224.0521

Nathaniel Shapiro's
Point of Purchase @ Manuel Izquierdo Sculpture Gallery (PNCA)
If the image above "Hot Seat" is any indication, this might be the edgiest of the establishment shows this month... excluding Kehinde Wiley at PAM of course.
Opening Reception • May 3 • 6 to 9p
825 NW 13th Ave • Tel. 503.226.4391

Cynthia Lahti's Daughter @ PDX Contemporary Art
This is a beautifully installed show as PDX seems to have figured out how best to use its unique Allied Works designed space.
Lahti's previous show at PDX had interesting ideas but felt rushed and too precious. This latest show is more sculpture focused and weirder as all shows populated with a lot of doll-like elements tend to be. The net result is an unlikely combination of Giacometti/Rodin flavored with miniaturized Victoriana.

Also, don't miss Midori Hirose's
PDX window gallery show, once again the window seems to upstage all of the other Pearl District spaces.
Opening Reception for both • November 3 • 6 to 8p
PDX Contemporary
Art • 925 NW Flanders • Tel. 503.222.0063
Alexandra Opie's
Dialectically Placed @ Portland Art Center
Opie teaches at Willamette University so one might forgive the academic use of the most abused word in contemporary art... "dialectic"... in the title. Despite that, the gauzy scrims and projections look promising. There is an artist talk on May 6 too 2:00, $2 (PAC members free)
Opening Reception • November 3 • 6 to 10p
Portland Art Center
• 32 NW 5th Ave • Tel. 503.236.2322
Lastly, make certain to check out these show which have already been up:
Habit Forming at PNCA which opened last week. The Tracey Emin is particularly good for seeing how 90's confrontational confessionalim became aughties approachable let's be friendly-ism.
Wid Chambers @ Chambers
J. Bennett Fitts at Quality Pictures is a highly recommended stop
Special Note:
If you are one of our many Bay Area readers check out
Portlander Patrick Rock's dualing solo show with Keith Boadwee at Queen's Nails Annex. Rock is one of most dangerous artists in Portland and the combination with Boadwee makes for an inspired pairing of provocateurs.
Nathaniel Shapiro's show was a very big surprise. Very smart and witty pieces, and expertly hung, which seems to be rare at PNCA (have you seen all the other PNCA shows up now?). The Manuel Izquierdo Gallery seems to be upstaging everything else that has been at PNCA ever since the gallery's remodel.
Shapiro's is the surprize hit for May... really impressive (David Eckard tipped me off). Finally, someone who really knows how to execute amd followthrough... even the hang is ambitious and intelligent.
Bellevue Arts Museum is hosting the first museum survey of Din Q Le's work -- see
Interesting to consider the work from craft-based processes. . . .