Ok I'll be out of the country but if you are in Portland definitely catch
Cameron, Senior Curator of the New Museum of Contemporary Art in New York
Portland Art Museum, for a lecture entitled Gone Global. He is schedualed to
discuss the differences and similarities in Asian and American Contemporary
Art, based on his own global art experiences. Ask him about the
Yong Ping retrospective up at the Vancouver Art Gallery. We haven't seen much
of the new contemporary Chinese art in Portland beyond the
Fei video I curated into this show in 2005. Still in many ways Portland is much closer to Asian cities than New York.
The museum text says, "The Intersection of Words and Experience will explore
the fundamental changes in art-making concepts, theories and practices after
1960. With the speakers representing influential theorists, critics, curators,
authors and professors, audiences will be introduced to diverse perspectives
on the shape and direction of contemporary art today. Topics will center on
how conceptual art and art making practices have changed the physical reality
of the object and in turn our viewing experience."
To these eyes it seems
like there is a more of an active engagement with history, now that the whole
idea about the death of history has become even more silly than the death of
painting. One trick with historicised Asian art is that most Americans have
so little historical knowledge about their own country, let alone Chinese or
Indonesian history. Then there is the whole bit about how Asian cities make
even New York seem like a slow paced pokey place.
April 15th
2:00 @
Art Museum Whitsell Auditorium, $5 members - $10 nonmembers (These were better
attended when the PAM lectures were free)
Mercury also had a very short interview with Cameron
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