Backroom: Featuring Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell
Sat • Feb 24 • noon
College Student Union
SE Woodstock Boulevard
juice and
and sup on
'n' cheese and
at the first ever backroom brunch for boys and girls and other interested parties
(ie chaperones). The authors and illustrator of
Edge Chronicles,
Stewart and Chris Riddell will discuss their books with live music by
Blau. In addition to that, Chris will lead the kids in some drawing projects
and show them how he works on his illustrations for the books.
there's a marketing study to be conducted between march 3-25 on fridays, saturdays and sundays in portland on art supply buying habits for children by those that buy the supplies (according to the information below only mothers do this). to offset any costs that might occur due to the newfound love for drawing that your kid will certainly develop after tomorrow i'd encourage you to participate. details below:
Study Details:
The project is focused on children's art supplies and will be conducted by SmartRevenue on behalf of a leading children's art supplies manufacturer. Participants will meet one of SmartRevenue's researchers at a local retailer to participate in a short, mock-shopping trip. After the shop-along participants will engage in a brief 12-15 minute interview on their shopping habits and history.
Participants will receive $25 dollars after the completion of the interview.
Friday, Saturday, and Sundays from March 3rd -March 25th 2007
Eligible Participants:
* A mother with at least one child in your household between the ages of 2 and 10 years
* Have purchased Children's Art Supplies in the past 12 months
* Are open to purchasing Children's Art Supplies in the next 6 months
Contact Us:
Interested candidates should email Anne Dougherty, SmartRevenue Children's Art Supplies Study Director at to schedule an appointment.
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