You have two chances to see this week's PSU Monday Night Lecture series guest. Los Angeles-based artist Marc Horowitz will lead a free public workshop at PSU on Monday at 1pm and will present a lecture later that evening. Horowitz is an SFAI grad, a funny guy and an artist whose "social research" often teeters on the border between conceptual art and publicity stunt. In 2004, he gained notariety by scrawling "Dinner w/ Marc", along with his personal cell phone number, on a white board in the set of a Crate and Barrel photo shoot. The catalogs were distributed and Horowitz not only received several thousand of phone calls, but also caught the attention of the mass media. Other projects have included an Errand Feasibility Study, in which Horowitz rode a pack mule through San Francisco while running his daily errands. In 2004, the artist ran a 1500-foot extention cord from his kitchen to a nearby park each Saturday, providing power for his coffee pot so that he could serve passers-by free coffee.
Workshop description:
The workshop will start at the PSU ART Building 2000 SW 5th Ave at the 3rd floor student lounge, but will continue out in the public for an undetermined period of time (probably an hour or three hours, something like that). Please come and bring a friend and a neighbor, or you can come alone and maybe you will make a friend, or maybe you will find a neighbor there already, or maybe it will turn out that you know of a place for rent in your neighborhood and you will meet someone there that needs a place to live and they will become your neighbor. (also Marc suggests that you come with chips and sodas or any other snacks that you might like, just incase you or your future neighbor gets hungry during the one or three hour workshop.)
Free public workshop · Monday, November 20th · 1p
PSU Art Building · 2000 SW 5th Ave
Lecture · Monday, November 20th · 8:15 p
PSU 5th Avenue Cinema · 510 SW Hall St. Room 92 (on the corner of 5th & Hall)
Funded in part by PICA, PNCA, Reed College, Lewis & Clark College and The Affair at the Jupiter Hotel
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