sound artist Oliva Block
Celebrating the release of their 5th issue "Autonomy",
FO(A)RM magazine is presenting a Festival of Sound and Video at the
Portland Art Center. The magazine, published once-yearly, presents investigative projects with a special focus on sound-art, experimental poetics and social sculpture. Each issue clusters around a given topic, gathering together a variety of perspectives, methods and articulations - from the extravagant to the pedestrian (and the juncture between). Included in the festival will be work from man-about-town
Mack McFarland, who will be featured in the
Northwest Biennial, and an experimental video from the multi-faceted
Melody Owen. The lineup also includes critically acclaimed electro-acoustic composer Olivia Block, minimalist drone artist Seth Cluett, local avant-folk accordionist Luc, and ethereal noise trio Borborygmus (Jonathan Sielaff/David Hirvonen/Jean-Paul Jenkins), along with a screening of abstract video curated by Morgan Currie and an ongoing barrage of installed video, ranging from the conceptual to the non-linear and fragmentary. Tickets can be purchased
here, and will not only get you in the door, but will also get you $2 off the latest issue of the magazine.
FO(A)RM Magazine • Festival of Sound and Video
Portland Art Center
32 NW 5th Avenue • Portland, Or
Saturday, Nov. 18 • 8p
$8/avdance • $10/door