"Tunnel", 2003, Kymaerica series
Artist and geographer-at-large,
Eames Demetrios (grandson of the great Charles and Ray) has created what he considers a "three-dimensional stroytelling experience" consisting of installations, performances, songs, and lectures. Nicely wrapped up in a dense
website, Demetrios has invented an alertnative universe as a way to see past a world we think is inevitable. Noteworthy Kymaerican sites accross America "discoved" by Demetrios have been recogonized with
plaques, describing the site and its revelance to
Kymaerica. This Tuesday night is a chance for you to see one of these sites in person and participate in the dedication ceremony. All this sound strange? Yes, to me too, but just strange enough to be intriguing. That and the event is being graciously hosted by Portland artist
Brenda Mallory.
Kymaerica Dedication
Tuesday, October 10 • 6:30pm
Sidewalk in front of
2136 NE 10th Ave • Portland, Or
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