Vanessa Renwick, Portrait #2: Trojan
Filmmaker Vanessa Renwick will be the next guest in PSU's MFA Monday Night Lecture Series. Renwick's Portrait #2: Trojan, her elegy to the formidable architectural presence of the recently demolished Trojan nuclear power plant, recently gained accolades as part of the 2006 Oregon Biennial and was screened at the Austrian Viennale earlier this month. Renwick's current projects include Critter, a feature length documentary about the reintroduction of grey wolves into the West, slated for release sometime next year.
Next in the series: Jessica Jackson Hutchins on Nov 6th
Lecture · Monday, October 30th · 8:15 p
PSU 5th Avenue Cinema · 510 SW Hall St. Room 92 (on the corner of 5th & Hall)
Funded in part by PICA, PNCA, Reed College, Lewis & Clark College and The Affair at the Jupiter Hotel
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