Surface to Air, 2006
Opening reception tonight at small A projects that will include a *nightviewing*
at 8:30p of Diana Puntar’s show “An Hour On The Sun”. Her work
is described as “forms (that) draw equally from the slick high modernist
ideals of IKEA and pseudo-organic forms that reference logs, fire, and stones.
Utilizing materials ubiquitous to design and construction: laminates, mirrors,
fluorescent and phosphorescent pigments; Puntar’s work underscores our cultural
obsessions with surface, our willing acceptance of synthetic and disposable surrogates,
and our general proclivities for bright and shiny objects.“
From what I gather the *nightviewing* at 8:30 is not to be missed. I hate to give
this away but Laurel has the best openings and shows in the city. But for your
sake and for hers, you should go.
small A projects
1430 SE 3rd • 503 234 7993
October 13 – November 11
Opening reception • Friday the 13th • 6-9 p
10/13 • 8:30p
10/19 • 6p
10/26 • 6p
11/3 • 6p