What the hell is going on with that BMW and an electronically wheezing and
buzzing portable construction site office around the corner from Harell Fletcher's awesome
The American War for TBA? It is
a German artist group consisting of Benne Ender and Jan Northoff. It's part of
TBA but there is little info on it
The installation is called,"The Bio Feedback Machine & The Temple
of a Higher Something." This text from their website should clarify nothing
for you:
is a universal responding SUPERviolent aPPERATURE.
It feedsback not only the human spirit and energy,
it is built to capture and transform a variety of energy
in the multiUNIVERSAL QUANTUMsphere
we are supposed to live in:
Meanwhile the tragedy of human unseen bluration of the
unlimited power, you can see the short cut of the secret.
Be careful, your thoughts becomes things! ALWAYS...
The duo was founded in 1999, and since then have predominantly built
large installations
the European Kunsthalle circuit and in more deserted places like the California desert. They frequently
collaborated with the late
Rhoades and one can see the cross pollination of the ecclesiastical artists'
sensibilities pretty easily.
visit this spectacle at the parking lot of Building B. Located at NW 18th and
NW Northrup.
opening performance on Sept.09.2006 3-6 pm.
big finale & ceremony: Sept.17.2006 3-6 pm.
in between: free entrance everyday 2-6 pm
(Sept.10 & 11 closed for Jason Rhoades Memorial)
brought to us mostly through the efforts of Marjorie Myers and Justin Oswald with space generously provided by Henry Hillman