James Lavadour's Boarder Camp, 2006
Sun Spots • James Lavadour • painting
Lavadour exhibits a series of oil paintings based on landscapes and architectural under-paintings,
which were layered and manipulated over the past six years.
PDX Contemporary Art 925 nw flanders st pdx 97209 • 503.222.3068
Opening Reception: Aug 3, from 6 to 8p
Black and White • group show
Compare and contrast black and white galore (!) from Linda Hutchins line drawings to Richard Serra's Etchings. Also Featuring Richard Diebenkorn, Brian Borrello, Richmond Burton, Greg Chann, G. Lewis Clevenger, Jerry Iverson, Marc Katano, Peter Millett, James Siena, Jeffery Simmons, Heather Larkin Timken, and Terry Winters.
Pulliam Deffenbaugh Gallery 929 nw flanders st pdx 97209 • 503.228.6665
Preview Reception: August 2 from 5:30 to 7:30p
All My Clothes • Alicia Cortney Eggert • drawings, sculpture & installation
This show reflects a series of studies relating to the ideas of ownership and identity that focus on the artist's personal wardrobe. Using common household objects and accessible materials, her artwork explores the essence of human nature in modern society.
Valentines 232 se ankeny pdx
Opening Reception: Aug 3, from 6 to 10p. Show ends Aug 31, 2006.
Waiting Room • Scott Wayne Indiana • installation
Wanna test your anxiety levels? See how long you can stand underneath 39 (real) axes suspended from Indiana's ceiling.
Portland Art Center Main Gallery • 32 nw 5th ave pdx 97209 • 503.236.3322
Opening Reception: Aug 3, from 6 to 10 p. Show ends September 3, 2006.
Incidents of Travel • Lee Kelly• sculpture
Here + Now • group show
For over 30 years distinguished Pacific Northwest sculptor Kelly, has been creating large-scale sculptures and commissioned outdoor pieces. His featured work reflects his travels to Nepal, India, Mexico and Turkey.
Here + Now features four internationally recognized artists reflecting on politics from their own countries. Features Hans Haacke (Germany), Dinh Q Le (Vietnam), Kimsooja (Korea), and Ken Lum (Canada).
Elizabeth Leach Gallery • 417 nw 9th ave pdx 97209 • 503.224.0521
Opening Reception: Aug 3, from 6 to 9p. Preview Reception: Aug 2, from 6 to 8 p. Show ends September 2, 2006.
Freeway Hypnosis • Jonathan Leach and Amy Steel • mixed media
Leach's paintings reflect the commercial saturation of strip malls and billboards. Steel's sculptures and printed mediums investigate pop iconography in contemporary modern sculpture. In conjunction with Portland Modern.
Tilt Gallery and Project Space 625 NW Everett #106 • 908.616.5477
Opening Reception: Aug 3, from 6 to 9p. Show ends Aug 26, 2006.
Succulent • Lisa Conway • ceramic
Conway addresses sexual relationships, identity, and human responses to one another. Organic, sculptural vessels.
Hoffman Gallery Oregon College of Art and Craft• 8245 sw barnes road pdx 97225
Opening Reception: Aug 3, from 4 to 7 p. Show ends September 3, 2006.
Wind Inside • Liz Harris • installation and drawings
Motel dedicates their entire gallery space to a 2-dimensional mind-bending installation. In hot pink and baby blue, Harris creates optical dysphoria in Motel's tiny space. The accompanying series of drawings continues her preoccupation with improvisation, minutia and subconscious patterns.
Motel • located on nw couch st between 5th & 6th aves • 503.222.6699
Opening Reception: Aug 3, from 6:30 to 9:30p. Show ends August 20, 2006.
James Lavadour pretty fantastic. It was really the only show I saw yesterday that really stuck out. I saw Mr. Double J there (and at OGLE too), but he was too busy being a socialite, so I didn't get the chance to say Hi. So "Hi" Double J.