8th Northwest Biennial at Tacoma Art Museum
The wait is over, the artists have been chosen. Out of 900 submissions (a 100%
increase over previous biennial submissions), 41 artists were selected for the
“visual impact of the images, the scope of each artist’s contributions,
and the stage of the artist’s career.”
Here is the final list (and congratulations!):
Victoria Adams
Juan Alonso
Daniel Attoe
Jay Backstrand
Justin Colt Beckman
Nicholas Brown
Cris Bruch
Buddy Bunting
Sally Cleveland
Judy Cooke
Claire Cowie
Mark Danielson
Susan Dory
Joe Fedderson
Ellen Garvens
John Grade
Victoria Haven
Patrick Holderfield
Denzil Hurley
Sarah Jane Lapp
Anya Kivarkis
Mack McFarland
Mark Takamichi Miller
Steven Miller
Jeffrey Mitchell
Brian Murphy
Natalie Niblack
Nicholas Nyland
Mary Ann Peters
Jim Riswold
Phil Roach
Alex Schweder
Michael Spafford
Juniper Shuey
Lisa Sweet
Keith Tilford
Marie Watt
Sherrie Wold
Robert Yoder
Claude Zervas