Great opportunity for the smart and savvy. And, it really isn't as far away as you think.
Full-time Temporary Photography Instructor for 2006/07 year.
Teaching responsibilities will include 18 contact hours of Digital Photography and Darkroom Photography. Other responsibilities will include overseeing darkroom and computer labs and supervising Lab Technician.
Minimum Qualifications:
· Bachelor's Degree in Photography or related field required, MFA preferred
· Strong computer skills
• Teaching experience
Desirable Qualifications:
· Experience with non-silver processes
· Experience working across a variety of media
Please submit letter of intent, resume and personal portfolio. If available, include samples of student work and/or teaching materials. Screening will begin August 7th and will continue until position is filled.
Clark College Human Resources
Baird Administration Building
1800 E. McLoughlin Blvd.
Vancouver, WA 98663
(360) 992-2105
TDD for the hearing impaired (360) 992-2317
Job Line 360) 992-2836
Web site:
www.clark.edu; Jobs at Clark; Open positions.
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