Torrent (detail) by Linda Hutchins at Pulliam Deffenbaugh
Line Drawing • Linda Hutchins
Using India ink, Hutchins' images "record a
meditative practice involving the arc of the arm, the gesture of the hand, and the path of the gaze." The results reflect land, water, hair and other natural formations.
Pulliam Deffenbaugh Gallery • 929 NW Flanders Street • Portland, OR 97209 •
Preview Reception, Wednesday, May 3. 5:30 to 7:30p. Show runs May 2 to 27.
Nature Studies • Malia Jensen • sculpture
Jensen, a graduate of PNCA, uses representations of animals in her exploration of relationship. Her works are often read as narratives, but she prefers to see them as "situations". Bronze with paint and patina.
Elizabeth Leach Gallery • 417 NW 9th Ave • Portland, OR 97209 • 503.224.0521
Opening Reception May 4. Ends May 27.
Horizon Line • group show
Nine artists, juried show by Mark Brandau, editor of Portland Modern. Mark sez "the non-traditional landscape art that I was most
interested in was the work that often eschewed the
very tenets of landscape art in favor of a deeper
understanding of place and belonging."
Tilt Gallery and Project Space • 625 NW Everett Suite 106 • Portland, OR 97209 •
Opening Reception May 4. Show runs through May 27.
Uneasy Marriage • group show
Cubic landscapes. Embroidered line drawings. Mischievious marks. Geo-distortions of flags. Networks of spiritual realms. 2 works each by 5 up-and-coming artists around N. America. Featuring Will Yakulic, Neil Farber, Orly Cogan, Omar Chacon, and Oliver Halsman Rosenberg.
Motel • Located on NW Couch between 5th & 6th Aves
Opening Reception May 4, 6:30 to 9:30p. Exhibition ends May 27.
Backyard Chicken Barn • Susan Medlin
Not only do they provide eggs, assist in pest control, compost and fertilizing, chickens are an ideal pet because they take themselves for walks and don't need you to play fetch with them. Susan Medlin of Boise has designed a small, decorative barn featuring two laying hens. You too could a have a hen in your urban or suburban window!
PDX Window Project • 405 NW 9th Ave • Portland, OR 97209
View from sidewalk, May 2 to 27.
Group Show
Zeitgeist is celebrating its nine-year anniversary this month, which is pretty good for any gallery and damn near eternal for the Everett Station Loft spaces--which tend to change hands pretty quickly. Owner and curator Paul Fujita opened this month's show to past exhibitioners from the gallery, Martial Art and the old CalSkate space.
Zeitgeist • 625 NW Everett • Portland, OR 97209
Opening Reception May 4.
Giant Flowery Splooge • Eliza Fernand and Elodie Goupil
New work by this soon-to-be-graduating duo could be an amusing alternative to some of the "tamer" First Thursday exhibitions. The show features Goupil's video,
"The Sperm Ballet, in Tribute to Eleanor Antin, R.N" and Fernand's mixed media work reflecting the humor of craft inspired objects.
BFA Feldman Gallery at PNCA • 1241 NW Johnson • 503.226.4391
Opening Reception May 4, 6 to 9p. Show ends May 29.
I am completely overjoyed to see Linda Hutchins' work. She has become a master of pattern, rhythm, and the illusion of simplicity within her complex works. That is going to be a fantastic show...I hope.
It is fantastic. I walked in yesterday and was immediately taken. After standing with them for a few minutes i was blown away. One piece, (the title escapes me) is centrallly located of 9 panels in square formation - is the most remarkable work I have seen in portland in a very long time.
The departure from text is not abrupt in my mind. You can see Linda Hutchins a mile away. The line work, evokes even more of her meditative process. I am bewitched.
And congratulations to Marianne and Rod for yet another great show. The best!
Yes, I'm completely stoked about Linda as well. I liked the text work but felt she was going to develop further and from what Ive seen, she has. Probably the most anticipated show this month....
Im already hearing complaints about her not being in the Oregon Biennial (look everyone can't be in and it's better for less established artists). Yes, most of the A-list artists (except for you Storm and a few others) aren't in the Oregon Biennial but that shakes things up. In some ways its better for people to wonder why the hell you aren't in a big survey show than to be in it (it's worked for Picton, Bocci and Eckard who are in this one after being glaring omissions for years). I'm enjoying the depth in Portland's scene these days... it isn't all promise, some are really delivering in a mature way you dont see much in more youth obsessed post MFA spending spree driven scenes.
Ive long thought Linda has had the potential to be one of the elite artists in town and it will be exciting to see if she comes through.... no pressure eh?
I loved seeing Linda's text pieces for the first time. But I have to admit that they always reminded me of The Shining and "All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy" - (which is probably my favorite movie prop ever.) - However, I knew that it wasn't the intent of Linda's work or process.
So for me, jumping from text to line - is literally symbolic of freeness and a light-as-airness that one associates with meditative practices. It seems so much more fitting with the "depth" that you speak of - and I concur.
These new drawings are transcendant and for that I am kind of speechless. If not the Biennial - maybe the museum should just purchase "Torrent." That would be even better! We could see it all the time.
Yup Linda's is the show to see and I think the new configuration of the Fresh show is better than last month... Having Sean Healy, Chandra Bocci and Brad Tucker all in the main room elevates the show... a lot of the stuff from the main room last month just wasn't strong enough to hold the room. (a spent force) Healy's work practically fixes the room itself he's chanelling Kippenberger and Ed Ruscha in really interesting ways.
Also, I'd reccomend Internal guidance systems at Mark Woolley... very ambitious and it really shows how the brooklyn scene has become an MFA caracature of this sort of work... a lot of that relates back to Chris Johanson and those copying him.... must be annoying.
There will be an animation thing at pushdot that will probably be worth it as well.