Today the Cooley Gallery opens the second installment from the Ovitz Family
first was an impressive overview of some exciting contemporaries. New
Trajectories II: Expansions features recent photography by Gregory Crewdson
and Candida Hofer. Exploring the construction, narrative properties, and imaginary
qualities of built environments, the exhibition contains seven large-scale works.
From the press release:
"Crewdson, who cites Stephen Spielberg’s Close Encounters of the
Third Kind as one of his most seminal influences, asserts, 'All photographs
are unresolved. Unlike other narrative forms, a photo is mute and frozen in
time. There is no before and no after. The events remain a mystery.' Of Close
Encounters, he notes: 'I hope I achieve a similar tension between wonder and
dread in my work.' While Crewdson produces elaborate, Hollywood-scale staged
environments that are captured in individual images, Hofer isolates aspects
of existing environments, exposing their enigmatic qualities. In both photographers’
work, an inexplicable stillness prevails."
Hofer was seen with the rest of
Becher school at Pulliam Deffenbaugh when then opened their new space last
fall. Her large scale still lifes are mesmerizing for their balance, sometimes
symmetry and unencumbered documentation of architecture and
There is no opening reception tonight, but later in the month Crewdson will
give a public lecture at Reed and join in a Ripe family supper.
New Trajectories II: Expansions • Through June 11
Gallery Hours • Tuesday through Saturday, noon to 5pm
The Cooley Gallery
at Reed College (inside the Library)
3203 SE Woodstock Blvd • Tel. 503.777.7790
Image: Gregory Crewdson, Untitled (North by Northwest), Summer, 2004, Digital C-print. Image courtesy of the artist and the Ovitz Family Collection, Los Angeles