Steven Badgett, who comprises one half of collaborative effort Simparch, will lecture at PSU later today. Badgett has been collaborating with Matt Lynch as Simparch for about ten years, but the pair broke into international notoriety with Freebasin. A fully functional skate bowl re-created within the gallery space, Freebasin was the key piece in Deitch Project's defining skate-culture-as-art exhibition, Session the Bowl, in 2002, and has also been exhibited at the Tate and Documenta XI. Simparch has also exhibted at the 2004 Whitney Biennial, The Renaissance Society, The Wexner and InSITE.
Monday, March 6th • 7 p
PSU 5th Avenue Cinema • 510 SW Hall St. Room 92 (on the corner of 5th & Hall)
Sponsored in part by PICA, PNCA, and Reed College
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