R.A.W. Ego
It's nearly time for Reed Arts Week, an annual frenzy of activity that descends upon Reed's campus in SE. This year, the student-organized festival has taken as its central theme the notion of ego, manifesting itself in everything from the alter ego of Paul D. Miller operating under his performance moniker, DJ Spooky, to the mutable sense of self in the performance art of Eleanor Antin. Some R.A.W. events that might be of interest to PORT readers:
Kick off the week with a dancepod party, a collaborative project masterminded by painter Marty Schnapf that "begins as a conventional art exhibit and devolves into an uninhibited and live webcast dance party."
"Dance party/postmodern dance performance" • Wednesday, March 1st • 9 pm – midnight
Student Union • $3 suggested donation for the public, free to the Reed community
On Friday, Eleanor Antin will discuss her work as a performance artist, creating a cast of historically-based identities through which she delves into issues relevant to the present.
Lecture • Friday, March 3rd • 6 pm
Vollum Lecture Hall • $7 general, $5 students, free to the Reed community
If you missed Paul D. Miller's lecture during the PICA's tba Noontime Chats, you missed the best part of his appearance at the festival. Happily, Miller is back to present another iteration of "Rhythm Science," teasing out the parallels between art and hip hop in an engaging and articulate lecture.
Lecture • Saturday, March 4th • 3:30 pm
Kaul Auditorium • $10 general, free to the Reed community (limited seating)
The photographs of Elena Dorfman explore both the banal and erotic lives of RealDolls and their owners in the mostly suburban environments they inhabit. While Dorfman's photos lure the viewer with images of fetishistic attachments normally hidden behind closed doors, her close attention to light and subtle compositions allow her to reach beyond pure shock value, lending the scenes a rather surprising tenderness and humanity.
Slide lecture • Sunday, March 5th • 2 pm
Vollum Lecture Hall • Free and open to the public

Nan Curtis' Pregnancy Peep Show
In addition, projects by Nan Curtis, Paige Saez, Chas Bowie and Reed students will be on display. If you're a Reed student, things get even better, with workshops lead by Chas Bowie, Eleanor Antin and Harrell Fletcher taking place throughout the week. Check the R.A.W. 2006 website for a complete schedule.
Reed Arts Week – Reed College • 3203 SE Woodstock Blvd
Tickets: 503.777.7758