Saturday afternoon and evening marks the all-day print marathon and studio sale,
Prints for
PICA. More than
50 artists spend the day creating and collaborating for a floor-to-ceiling jam
packed studio sale. Prints range in price from $100-250, and are sold on a first
come, first served basis. Expect hidden gems and steals-of-a-deal! All proceeds
benefit PICA and the artists.
Prints for PICA • December 17, 4 to 9 p
Studio 333 : 333 NE Hancock (@ MLK)
Patrick Abbey, Kevin Abell, Brad Adkins, Rachel Allen, Nat Andreini, Megan Atiyeh,
Josh Berger, Philippe Blanc, Patricia Boas, Christine Bourdette, Katherine Bovee,
Michael Boyle, John Brodie, Chris Buckingham, Liz Calderon, Bruce Collin, Nan
Curtis, Tim Dalbow, Laurie Daniel, Daniel Duford, Ty Ennis, Karen Esler, Alexander
Felton, Shawna Ferreira, Anna Fidler, Harrell Fletcher, Gilles Foisy, Carla
Forte, Kay French, Ken Frink, Scott Gallatly, Pedro Galvan, Robert Gamblin,
Chris Gander, Ellen George, Emily Ginsburg, Ellen Goldschmidt, Cecilia Hallinan,
Rob Halverson, Levi Hanes, Bob Hanson, Stephen Hayes, Sean Healy, Midori Hirose,
Joe Hockett, Robin Hoffmeister, Deborah Horell, Marty Houston, Chris Hutchinson,
David Inkpen, Joe Thurston, Kristan Kennedy, Una Kim, Kendra Larson, Patrick
Long, Mark Mahaffey, Rae Mahaffey, Khaela Maricich, Mike McGovern, Bill Park,
Nathaniel Price, Scott Porter, Driscoll Reid, Blair Saxon-Hill, Randell Sims,
Stephen Slappe, Marty Schnapf, Stephanie Snyder, Adam Sorensen, Johanna Seligman,
Blake Stellyes, BarbTetenbaum, Storm Tharp, Andrea U'ren, Elise Wagner. Morgan
Walker, Heather Watkins, Marie Watt, Stephanie Wilson, Christopher Young, Fredrick
Zal, Renee Zangara