Portland's artists are getting around and the team of M.K. Guth, Cris Moss
and Molly Dilworth who make up Red Shoe Delivery Service have received tons of
great press down in Melbourne,
It is just like Portland to export public transportation as art, although I
suspect Melbourne's mass transit is light years ahead of any US city.
one wonders why those Aussies think RSDS are New York based? Guth and Moss
haven't lived there for some time now and Guth was always BI-coastal.
We have also noticed Portland's City Commissioner, Sam Adams, has been
about the arts a lot lately. Still, the issue of affordable live/work space
could really use some creative thinking and action. True, it might be beyond
his scope but the issue wont go away until Portland becomes just like San Francisco? i.e. too expensive except for students or the most privileged and often least motivated of trustafarian artists. Some solid ideas need to be championed.
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