I next visited Arturio Palacios' gallery Art Palace (a play on his name, look closer). Austin, Texas has long held a reputation as the home of a thriving music scene and, as embodied by Art Palace, is clearly developing as a hotspot for new art as well. I really, really enjoyed the selections in this room. Ali Fitzgerald's graphite sketches, approximately 2'x3', were frenetic and detailed... apparently, she also does semi-truckload-sized paintings based on her sketches, although the content shifts slightly with the dimensions. Michael Sieben (also the founder of Austin gallery Camp Fig) offers marker/pen illustration-style drawings of comic-y dream-style monster/animals and paints the same on boards. The drawings were actually done on pages from "How To Draw" books, embellishing the featured drawing and adding to them- an American eagle flies gripping a gun larger than itself, etc. Andy Coolquitt lends wooden sculptures of dogs and other fauna engaged in odd behaviors (dogs with paintbrushes, a dog and a chicken intertwined). Art Palace has been around for less than a year, but this show leads me to believe that we'll be seeing a lot more from them.

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