Told you so...

Just because I've told you so before and I like to rub it in.... Oregon's hottest up and coming artist, Matthew Picton, continues to garner critical raves from Miami to Christopher
Knight at the L.A. Times. Now the
Francisco Chronicle adds to the critical din.
Picton's work takes Smithson's nonsite or Richard Long's walks and brilliantly
manages to invert the inevitability of wear and tear for a time. The end product
is an engrossing negation of negation and an interesting avenue out of minimalism
and into succinct complexity. His best works provide a location while being
completely lost and out of context.
Finally, earthworks have been removed from the dirt that many confuse as some
kind of eco-minimalism. It's philosophical and elemental not moralistic and
didactic folks. Admittedly, he's in the
big international
warehouse show I'm curating and he's debuting his newest body of work... I'm expecting a lot from him.
Until then you can find him in San Francisco
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