I've heard rumors that it's really big. And, for Ellen George, the PDX artist who makes accumulations of small, delicate polymer clay objects resembling fungus and colorful biological phenomena, that's a really good thing. The show's title is a glyph - * - a clue to the formal geometry that gives structure to the approximately 8,000 pieces that make up the installation and a reference to the number 8 (look down, silly), which the press release explains is "a constant number in the personal life of the artist" as well as a sideways infinity symbol. Portlanders, you'll have to trek up north to see this one - it's across the Columbia in Vancouver, where George resides.
Opening Reception • Wednesday, September 21 • 4 to 7p
Show runs through October 23
Archer Gallery at Clark College • 1800 E McLoughlin Blvd, Vancouver, WA • Tel. 360.992.2246
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