Lots of great opportunities out there this month. Now, get a move on!
Exhibition Opportunities
Exhibit and Exchange
The Feldman Gallery + Project Space at PNCA is calling for Portland area artists
to submit proposals for an upcoming international cultural exchange program
with Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The small group of Portland based artists who are
chosen will travel to Brazil and exhibit at the gallery, A Gentil Carioca. In
return, this selected group will welcome the five Brazilian artists traveling
to Portland for a two week residency at PNCA's FG + PS in September 2005. Artists
of all backgrounds and levels are invited to apply for this exchange. Of particular
interest are strong contemporary artwork in all media as well as ideas that
enrich this exchange including site-specific installations, performances or
Please send a portfolio with 10 images (slides, CD, DVD or VHS) with an image
list, project proposal, an artist statement/bio, resume and a SASE. Do not send
original art. Submissions should be sent to "Brazil Exhibit", The
Feldman Gallery + Project Space, PNCA, 1241 NW Johnson Street, Portland, OR
97209. For questions or more information, email
The *new* deadline for the submission is July 16, 2005.
Inertia 2005 Prospectus
at Gallery 500
Juried by PORT's own Jeff Jahn, Inertia 2005 is an international competition
focused on discovering fresh new art and artists. Unlike many group competitions
the selected artists will be given the opportunity to show at least two works
in an uncluttered setting. First prize is $1,000 and a solo show at Gallery
500. Eligible are artists from USA and Canada, all media Work should be no more
than 2 years old.
Submission must include: SASE, Resume, a CD with 4 jpeg images of four pieces,
no more than 300 kb per image please, (1 detail for each piece is acceptable
for a total of 8 images of 4 works. Video and installation artists should send
DVDs with up to 4 works), and a Check for $20 made out to Gallery 500 (Inertia
Deadline is July 15th, 2005 • Notification July 30th
• Show Opens September 1st
Good Bird/Bad
CCMG's first annual showcase is open to all artists in a craft medium: ceramics,
fiber, wood, glass or metal. All works must be original, hand-made, available
for sale and produced within the last two years. Although each entry should
reference birds in some way, personal interpretations are welcome. A $500 best
of show prize will be awarded. Downloadable application and more information
is at
Deadline is August 1, 2005.
"Water" Video Event
Stephen Slappe is currently seeking submissions for a one night video event
with an extremely loose theme of "Water". All work should be under
8 minutes in length with the curator's aesthetic leaning toward the experimental.
The event will take place Thursday, August 4th outdoors on Portland's Eastside
in conjunction with a screening of Beneath Our Feet, a site-specific projection
by Portland artists Linda M. Wysong and Pamela Chipman. The event is free and
coincides with Portland's monthly First Thursday events.
There is no submission fee. Submission tapes/DVDs will not be returned. No screening
fees will be paid. The screening will use video projection. Screening tapes/DVDs
will be returned courtesy of the project. Send submissions in DVDs or VHS (NTSC)
format to Stephen Slappe, c/o Library, Pacific Northwest College of Art, 1241
NW Johnson St., Portland, OR, 97209.
Deadline is July 11th, 2005. Acceptance letters will be sent
via email within 2 weeks of the deadline.
Grants & Funding
The Oregon Arts Commission
The Art Commission offers granting opportunities to promote the Arts in Oregon
as economic, community development, and vital resources within the state. The
following grants are currently available: Operating Support, Arts Education,
and Arts Services.
here for guidelines and applications.
Deadlines for all is June
30, 2005
RACC Project Grants
Project Grants are available to non-profit organizations and individual artists
in three (3) categories: Artistic Focus, Neighborhood Arts and Arts in Schools.
A project is a specific art presentation, exhibit or creation of work that demonstrates
characteristics that have a clear benefit and is accessible to the constituency
for which it is intended.
guidelines and applications.
Deadline for Individuals is August 18, 2005 5pm
Deadline for Organizations is August 22, 2005, 5pm
RACC Professional Development Grants
Professional Development Grants (Cycle 2) assist artists or arts administrators
with opportunities that specifically improve their business management development
skills and/or brings the artist or the arts organization to another level artistically.
guidelines and applications.
Deadline is October 10, 2005, 5pm